Saturday 9 June 2012

The beginning

Welcome to my brand new super-shiny glitter coated blog.  It’s just awesome to have you on this journey with me.

Yeah OK, so it’s not exactly the 1st January, but it’s a whole new start for me, time to start living the life I imagined.  You know how it goes.  New Year new start and we are so full of good intentions and meaningful goals and as the year wears on the goals are left behind.  So I am hitting the reset button along with the super awesome Effy from
(affiliate link)
I have been very unhappy in my job for about 4 years now.  To the point where I dread getting out of bed and spend the day feeling miserable.  Well no more.  I just quit my well paid job and I am so scared, I don’t have another one lined up or any other source of income yet.  I have 3 months to find it. 
So please follow along my journey and let’s see where it takes us.  Hopefully to the life I imagined one where I wake up each take full of excitement of what the day will bring.  

To help to track my progress and create the dreams,( if you don’t dream it how will it happen right?) I have joined the Goddess Circle and bought the (affiliate link) Goddess Year Journal and Planner from the amazing Goddess Leonie.  

I will be blogging my progress 2 or 3 times a week and hope you will pop by and check up on me and encourage me once in a while.
My Goals are:
·         To make a good living working from home in the art and journaling field
·         Lose 40 pounds in weight
·         Make art videos to share for free
·         Share my progress and invite you to art along with me

There are a few affiliate links on my blog.  These are are for classes I have taken myself and have got so much out of.  I will post pictures of them as I go.  I will never affiliate myself to a product I don’t believe in 100%.


  1. Welcome to the blogger world!
    Wishing you much fun playing and good luck creating your new life!

  2. Wishing you all the very best- its never to late to start following your dreams :)

  3. Wishing you luck in your new beginning.It's very brave I must say.I'm following now so I can see your success unfold.

  4. Wow, what a brave step! I admire you for having the guts to do it. I hope everything works out & you have a fab time on your journey.
    C xx


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